Hood River County School District

2023 Proposed Education Levy

About the Levy

Teachers, educational assistants, and staff are the backbone of our schools and extracurricular programs are vital to the growth and development of Hood River County School District students.

Oregon schools are chronically underfunded from the State of Oregon and Hood River County School District is no exception.

Since 2004, Hood River County voters have supported our schools with a Local Option Levy, which provides additional and supplemental funding to our school district to keep class sizes low, maintain teaching positions, extracurricular activities, and academic enrichment programs.

How would the Levy help with this anticipated budget shortfall?

The proposed Levy would raise $3.4 million annually and if passed would retain approximately 35 educational positions to:

  • Keep classes sizes low
  • Support extracurricular athletics; music, theater and arts programs
  • Maintain popular electives like engineering, robotics, agriculture, dual language, and physical education
  • Support Career and Technical Education and Advanced Placement courses

Maintain Low Class Size District-Wide

If passed, the proposed Levy would continue to fund educational positions to keep class sizes low at every grade level.

Support Extracurricular Athletics, Music, Theater and Arts Programs

If passed, the proposed Levy would provide specialists to support athletics and the performing arts in our schools.


Maintain popular electives like engineering, robotics, agriculture, dual language, and physical education

If passed, the proposed Levy would allow our schools to continue these critical, in-demand programs.

Support Career and Technical Education and Advanced Placement Courses

If passed, the proposed Levy would fund popular college and career readiness programs for our students.

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